News — CHICAGO (January 30, 2025) — Two short decades ago, a diagnosis of meant facing a future with vision loss and even blindness. Today, the nearly are the beneficiaries of advances in the diagnosis and treatment of AMD – made possible by retina specialists – that allow many patients to preserve their vision through personalized medical and surgical treatment approaches. During February’s AMD Awareness Month, the (ASRS) is sharing the facts about AMD and why it’s essential to partner with a retina specialist to protect vision.  

AMD, a retinal disease that affects the small central area of the retina known as the macula, is the leading cause of vision loss in older Americans. There are two types of AMD, dry and wet. Dry AMD is the more common type of AMD, which can remain stable or worsen slowly over time. There are 3 stages of dry AMD: early, intermediate and late, also known as Geographic Atrophy. Until recently, there were no treatments to slow the progression of dry AMD, which can cause gradual loss of central vision and other symptoms. Wet AMD is less common but can progress much faster and cause loss of central vision in one or both eyes. Wet AMD can be treated and its progression stopped in many patients with eye injections.

Early diagnosis and expert care are key to slowing or preventing AMD’s progression. Retina specialists are uniquely equipped to provide this care, thanks to their extensive training and expertise in diagnosing and treating retinal conditions.

“By partnering with a retina specialist, patients not only have the physician best equipped to care for their condition in their corner, but they also have access to the newest, most advanced imaging technologies and breakthrough treatment approaches that can help save sight,” said ASRS President J. Michael Jumper, MD, FASRS. "If you experience symptoms of a retinal condition, make an appointment with a retina specialist as soon as possible.”

The American Society of Retina Specialists wants the public to know the following key facts to guard against vision loss from AMD:

Know your Risk for AMD

The primary risk factor for AMD is age—the older you are, the greater your risk. Genetics also has a powerful influence—people with a family history of AMD are at higher risk.

Other factors known to increase your risk for AMD:

  • Cigarette smoking
  • Obesity
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Excessive sun exposure
  • A diet deficient in fruits and vegetables

Know AMD Symptoms and When to See a Retina Specialist

Many people don’t realize they should see a retina specialist until significant vision loss has occurred. However, catching AMD early can make all the difference. In the early stages, AMD may have no symptoms at all.

When the AMD progresses, the symptoms are:

  • Distortion (warping) of straight lines
  • A decrease in the intensity or brightness of colors

As AMD progresses further, symptoms may include:

  • A gradual or sudden loss of central vision or dark, blurry areas in the center of vision

Blessed with healthy vision most of her life, was scheduling medical appointments ahead of an extended trip to Hawaii when she noticed something wasn’t quite right with her vision. As she descended the stairs, the wall and banister looked wavy, and she assumed she needed glasses because she was getting older. She made an appointment with her optometrist, who referred her to a retina specialist right away.

Diagnosed with wet AMD at 61, Grace was grateful that treatment advances meant she had a chance to preserve her vision. Over the years, she has seen several retina specialists, who all hold a special place in her heart. “Of course, there is fear when you are diagnosed with AMD and need eye injections, but don’t be afraid because it’s a wonderful gift that we have these treatments, and without them, I would have gone blind,” Grace said. “All of the retina specialists who have cared for me have been such wonderful people; they have been calm and caring, and each has become a friend.”

If you experience symptoms of AMD, find a retina specialist with ASRS’s Find a Retina Specialist locator. Search the ASRS database of member retina specialists using a physician's name or enter your country, city, state, or zip code. Results are listed and shown on a map of your area. Access the search tool at .

Team Up with a Retina Specialist for Expert Care

Retina specialists are medical doctors who have completed up to 10 years of advanced medical training to specialize in ophthalmology and sub-specialize in diseases and surgery of the retina. Retina specialists' extensive education and training make them the most qualified experts to diagnose AMD and develop a personalized treatment plan for patients with the condition.

To empower the public with information about retina specialists and their role in protecting vision, ASRS has produced “Retina Specialists: Helping You See for a Lifetime,” a video sharing the journey of three patients facing common retinal conditions whose vision was preserved by the care of retina specialists. This informative resource highlights how the retina makes sight possible, the breadth and depth of retina specialists’ education and training, their extensive surgical expertise, and the importance of seeking out a retina specialist to preserve vision and prevent blindness. To view and share the video, visit .

Take Action to Protect Vision

Retina specialists encourage everyone, and especially those at higher risk of AMD, to take steps to maintain healthy retinas, including:

  • Get regular dilated retina exams, which can identify early signs of retinal disease
  • Don’t smoke or take steps to quit if you currently smoke
  • Stay active and maintain a healthy weight
  • Control blood pressure and blood sugar
  • Eat nutritious food, including dark, leafy greens and fish
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure

Learn more about AMD, maintaining retina health for good vision and find your retina specialist by visiting .


About ASRS

The American Society of Retina Specialists (ASRS) is the world's largest organization of retina specialists, representing more than 3,000 physicians in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and 63 countries. Retina specialists are board-certified ophthalmologists who have completed fellowship training in the medical and surgical treatment of retinal diseases. The mission of the ASRS is to provide a collegial and open forum for education, to advance the understanding and treatment of vitreoretinal diseases, and to enhance the ability of its members to provide the highest quality of patient care. Learn more at . Like ASRS on , subscribe to our channel, and follow us on for the latest retina health information.


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