News — Washington D.C. – IAFNS has included over 100 new peer-reviewed research papers in its Sodium Reduction Science & Strategies Database along with new search features to help support product development efforts.

The Sodium Reduction Science & Strategies captures nearly 400 hundred peer-reviewed science papers on sodium reduction and is updated annually. IAFNS makes the database freely available to serve as a public resource to food scientists and other key stakeholders as the public health focus on sodium in the diet continues.

Research shows that excess sodium consumption is a contributory factor in the development of hypertension, which is a leading cause of heart disease and stroke. IAFNS' intent with sharing this on-line and interactive database format is to highlight the science that is available and the tools that are effective in maintaining acceptable sensory qualities for various food industry applications.

The now has expanded search options beyond sodium reduction methods offering search by type of paper including review papers and experimental science. Also added is a button to “Download Data” which gives users the ability to save custom searches.

The updates to the database come as IAFNS is launching a  in early 2024. The free, seven-part series concludes with an expert panel which will draw upon technical knowledge across sectors to make well-informed recommendations to enhance public health.

The Sodium Reduction Science & Strategies Database is

IAFNS’ Sodium in the Food Supply Webinar Series is . 

The Institute for the Advancement of Food and Nutrition Sciences (IAFNS) is committed to leading positive change across the food and beverage ecosystem. This database is supported in part by IAFNS’ . IAFNS is a 501(c)(3) science-focused nonprofit uniquely positioned to mobilize government, industry and academia to drive, fund and lead actionable research.

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