News — Rolling Meadows, IL (January 1, 2025). The January issue of Neurosurgical Focus: Video () presents six videos on the topic of brain mapping for neurosurgery.
Topic Editors: Richard W. Byrne, Isabelle Germano, Joao P. Almeida, Shawn Hervey-Jumper, and Emmanuel Mandonnet
From the Topic Editors’ introduction: “In this edition of Neurosurgical Focus: Video, selected innovative videos are presented, allowing our readers to evaluate the latest in stimulation mapping innovation. Dynamic mapping techniques are best demonstrated using a dynamic format such as video.”
Contents of the January issue:
- “Introduction. Innovations in cortical and subcortical stimulation mapping” by Richard W. Byrne et al.
- “Motor mapping–guided resection of a brainstem recurrent pilocytic astrocytoma” by Xiaopeng Guo et al.
- “Brain mapping for lower-grade glioma around Wernicke’s area” by Vich Yindeedej et al.
- “Hexamodal awake brain mapping (language, sensorimotor, ictal, visual, auditory) for multilobar resection in a dominant hemisphere parieto-fronto-temporo-occipital cortical malformation with drug-resistant epilepsy” by Lokesh V. Dasarathan et al.
- “Arcuate fasciculus cortico-cortical evoked potentials and direct cortico-subcortical stimulation during awake craniotomy for debulking of left dominant temporal oligodendroglioma” by Ryan P. Hamer and Santosh Poonnoose
- “Optimizing brain mapping: integrating real-time neuropsychological assessment in awake craniotomy” by Neslihan Nisa Gecici et al.
- “Brain mapping during resection of high-grade brain arteriovenous malformation” by Ari D. Kappel et al.
Embargoed Article Access and Author/Expert Interviews: Contact JNSPG Director of Publications Gillian Shasby at [email protected] for advance access and to arrange interviews with the authors and external experts who can provide context for this research.
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