News — Rolling Meadows, IL (March 1, 2025). The March issue of Neurosurgical Focus () offers a selection of articles on global neurosurgery.
Topic Editors: Kee B. Park, Robert Dempsey, Gail Rosseau, Tariq Khan, and Franco Servadei
From the Topic Editors’ Introduction: “Charitable efforts to improve neurosurgical care in low-resource settings have been ongoing for many decades. Often scattered and isolated, such efforts were usually seen through a humanitarian lens. However, with the 2016 Bogota Declaration on Global Neurosurgery, the authors … and signatories called for a ‘collective and unified’ action in addressing unmet neurosurgical needs in the developing world…. The articles in this issue of Neurosurgical Focus together demonstrate how the nascent field of global neurosurgery is becoming faster, higher, and stronger.”
Contents of the March issue:
- “Introduction. Advances in global neurosurgery: citius, altius, fortius—communiter” by Kee B. Park et al.
- “Patients with traumatic spinal injuries treated in a low- and middle-income country: what happens after discharge?” by Chibuikem A. Ikwuegbuenyi et al.
- “Epidemiology and delays in neurosurgical care among patients with traumatic brain injury in a regional referral hospital in Sri Lanka: a retrospective cohort study” by Shereen X. Y. Soon et al.
- “Building sustainable neurosurgical capacity: lessons from the Duke Division of Global Neurosurgery and Neurology” by Andreas Seas et al.
- “Navigating barriers to epilepsy surgery: a national survey of patient and neurologist perspectives” by Saqib Kamran Bakhshi et al.
- “Improving access to epilepsy surgery: a review of the global praxis, implementation science, and relevant policy frameworks” by Kevin Paul Ferraris et al.
- “Bridging the gaps in the setup of a functional epilepsy monitoring unit in Uganda to support epilepsy surgery” by Emmanuel Wegoye et al.
- “Telerehabilitation and cost analysis in global neurosurgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 40,537 patients” by Shahaan S. Razak et al.
- “Significance, applications, and contributions of Gamma Knife radiosurgery in advancing neurosurgical care in lower-middle-income countries: a systematic review” by Sudharman Sitaraman et al.
- “Racial and socioeconomic disparities in the utilizationof mechanical thrombectomy: a meta-analysis and systematic review of over 11 million patients” by Ali Mortezaei et al.
- “Addressing global microneurosurgery education and laboratory training during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: from challenges to innovations” by Abdullah Keles et al.
- “Bridging global neurosurgical gaps: the potential role of medical students in Europe” by Adrian Safa et al.
- “Case discussions in pediatric neurosurgery: a model for improving service delivery and neurosurgery education in Southeast Asia” by Ronnie E. Baticulon et al.
- “Female authorship in global research: a bibliometric study of high- and low-income country collaborations” by Francesca Totis et al.
- “Application of the 6 pillars of sustainable global surgical partnerships by the Neurosurgery Outreach Foundation with lower-middle-income countries in Asia” by Philipp Aldana et al.
- “The Co-Pilot Project in wartime: lessons from Lviv, Ukraine” by Christopher Markosian et al.
- “Fifteen years and beyond: wins and challenges of the Tanzania Neurosurgery Project” by Magalie Cadieux et al.
Embargoed Article Access and Author/Expert Interviews: Contact JNSPG Director of Publications Gillian Shasby at [email protected] for advance access and to arrange interviews with the authors and external experts who can provide context for this research.
The global leader for cutting-edge neurosurgery research since 1944, the Journal of Neurosurgery () is the official journal of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) representing over 12,000 members worldwide ().