Credit: Horticulture Research
Genetic mapping of the gene controlling butterhead and compact plant architecture. A Upper panel, the two parents, a stem lettuce (Ws1168, left) and a butterhead lettuce (W6-29885, right). Lower panel, the two phenotypes of individuals from an F3 family derived from the Ws1168 × W6-29885 cross. Scale bar = 10 cm. B BSR analysis of butterhead plant architecture in the segregating F3 family in A. The x-axis represents the nine chromosomes of lettuce. The y-axis represents the Δ(SNP index) between two extreme pools. A single locus on chromosome 1 controls plant architecture in the segregating population. C Upper panel, the two parents, a stem lettuce (Y37, left) and a loose-leaf lettuce (S1, right). Lower panel, the two phenotypes in an F4 family derived from the cross Y37 × S1. Scale bar = 10 cm. D BSR assay of compact plant architecture in the F4 family in C. E Fine mapping of the gene controlling compact plant architecture. Numbers between two neighboring markers refer to the number of recombinants among 4392 individuals in the F4 family. F Gene structure of LG1149597 (LsKIPK), and its sequences in the four parents used in two crosses. The arrow shows the nonsense mutation, converting the codon CGA to TGA.