Credit: Horticulture Research
Phylogenetic analysis of bacterial DCSs with DTCs and TSs. A) phylogenetic tree of α-domains from the five DCSs and bacterial TSs. The α-domain from the bacterial DCSs and the TSs from the same species are indicated by use of the same color, with the DCS α-domain marked with a triangle. Also indicated are four functionally known TSs: KS from B. japonicum (BjKS), KS (PtmT3) from S. platensis, terpentetriene synthase (Tpn3) from Kitasatospora sp. CB02891 and terpentetriene synthase (ORF12, Cyc2) from K. griseola. B) Phylogenetic tree of γβ-didomains from the five bacterial DCSs and bacterial DTCs. The γβ-didomain from the bacterial DCSs and the DTC from the same species, if present, are indicated by use of the same color, with the DCS γβ-didomain marked with a triangle. Also indicated are four functionally known DTCs: CPS from B. japonicum (BjCPS), CPS (PtmT2) from S. platensis, terpentedienyl diphosphate synthase (Tpn2) from Kitasatospora sp. CB02891 and terpentedienyl diphosphate synthase (ORF11, Cyc1) from K. griseola.