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Irene Stafford

Maternal-Fetal Medicine Physician and Associate Professor at UTHealth Houston

University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

rise in syphilis, Syphilis, syphilis trends

Irene Stafford, MD, is an associate professor and maternal-fetal medicine physician with McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston. 

Dr. Stafford's clinical interests include syphilis trends and testing. She has interviewed with multiple national and loca news outlets to discuss the ongoing rise of syphilis in Houston, Texas and across the United States. In 2022, Dr. Stafford recieved a $3.3M grant to develop a molecular diagnostic test for congenital syphilis. Dr. Stafford is the PI for the multicenter study, which includes Baylor College of Medicine, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, the University of California, the University of Southern California, and The Ohio State University, will also focus on neurodevelopment testing of babies born with syphilis.

Dr. Stafford also leads a perinatal syphilis program at UT Physicians, the clinical practice of McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston, where she has dedicated a clinic day for patients with syphilis. 

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