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Childhood Obesity, Infant Feeding, Parenting, Psychology, sedentary behaviour, Young Mothers

Emma's research focuses on parent-child interactions in the context of feeding, eating and mealtimes. Topics she can talk about include: children's eating behaviours; fathers' roles in child feeding; parents' feeding practices and behaviours; childhood obesity; peer influences on eating behaviours; eating and exercise in children and adolescents; young mothers' infant feeding decisions; parenting styles and practices; and mental health and parenting practices.

Dale Esliger, PhD

Reader in Digital Health

Loughborough University

Health, sedentary behaviour, Wearable Technology

Dr Esliger's research focuses on enhancing the accelerometric profiling of physical activity, and advancing the understanding of the interplay between physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and health. 

Showing results 1 – 2 of 2
