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Rick Friedman, MD, PhD

Director, Acoustic Neuroma Program

UC San Diego Health

Acoustic Neuroma, Ear Nose and Throat, ENT, Neurotology, Otology

, is a board-certified neurotologist, a specialist who treats neurological disorders of the ear. He is a world-renowned expert in the treatment of acoustic neuroma, a benign tumor that develops on the main nerve connecting the ear to the brain. In addition to leading the acoustic neuroma program at UC San Diego Health, he also treats meningioma, neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2), glomus tumors, hearing impairment, otosclerosis, Meniere's disease, cholesteatoma, superior canal dehiscence and chronic ear infections. He is also board certified in neurotology.

As a professor in the University of California San Diego School of Medicine's Department of Surgery, Friedman trains medical students, residents and fellows at UC San Diego School of Medicine. He receives funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for his research on the genetics of common forms of hearing loss. 

A popular speaker, Friedman has presented his work at more than 30 medical conferences around the world.

Marc Schwartz, MD

Co-director, Acoustic Neuroma Program

UC San Diego Health

Acoustic Neuroma, Neurosurgery, pituitary tumors

, is a board-certified neurosurgeon who is an internationally renowned expert on the treatment of patients with acoustic neuromas, skull base tumors, and neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2). He is also the recognized neurosurgical leader in the field of auditory brainstem implants. In addition, Dr. Schwartz treats complex cranial problems, meningiomas, brain tumors, pituitary tumors, cranial nerve disorders, and intradural spine tumors.

Schwartz conducts research in tumor biology and genetics, especially in relation to schwannomas and neurofibromatosis type 2. He is a national leader in the development and refinement of the auditory brainstem implant, which is used for hearing restoration in deaf adults and children who are unable to benefit from hearing aids or cochlear implants.

He is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences and has been a visiting professor at medical schools on three continents.

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