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Banking, behavior analysis, Econometrics, Economics, Lending, Management Science, Marketing, Nursing Home, peer-to-peer, Prescription Drug Cost, video game industry

Andrew Ching is a professor in the Carey Business School at the Johns Hopkins University, where he is jointly appointed to the Department of Economics and the Bloomberg School of Public Health.  He is currently serving as an Associate Editor for Management Science, and a member of editorial boards for Marketing Science and Journal of Marketing Research.  His research focuses on developing new empirical structural models and estimation methods to understand the forward-looking, strategic, learning and bounded rational behavior of consumers and firms.  He has applied these methods to several industries including prescription drugs, nursing homes, payment methods, retail banking, peer-to-peer lending, and video games. He has published in Econometrica, Mangement Science, Marketing Science, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Applied Econometrics, and others. He has received Young Economist Award from the European Economic Association, Honorable Mention of Dick Wittink Prize Award, and several major research grants from Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council in Canada.

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