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Deborah Riebe, PhD

Professor, Associate Dean of College of Health Sciences

University of Rhode Island

Chronic Diseases, Exercise Physiology, Exercise Science, Physical Education, Sports Medicine

Deborah Riebe, Ph.D., obtained her B.S. degree from Springfield College in Physical Education, her M.S. degree from the University of Rhode Island in Exercise Science and her Ph.D. from the University of Connecticut in Exercise Physiology. She is currently Professor and Associate Dean of College of Health Sciences at the University of Rhode Island. Dr. Riebe is a Fellow in the American College of Sports Medicine and served as President of the New England Chapter of American College of Sports Medicine. She is currently the Chair of ACSM’s Committee for Certification and Registry Boards and was recently elected to the Board of Trustees representing education and allied health. Dr. Riebe was recently appointed Senior Editor of the tenth edition of ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription. She has received research funding in the areas of weight management and physical activity promotion from the American Cancer Society, the National Institutes of Health, and the Champlin Foundations. Dr. Riebe has authored over 50 articles in refereed journals and book chapters. Dr. Riebe’s research centers around physical activity interventions for a variety of populations including apparently healthy adults and those with common chronic diseases, older adults, and individuals who are overweight or obese.

Physical Education, Teacher Education

K. Andrew R. Richards is an associate professor of physical education and children’s physical activity. He studied physical education at Springfield College before completing his master’s and doctoral degrees at Purdue University. He remained at Purdue University for a post-doctoral research appointment in the Center for Instructional Excellence before faculty stints at Northern Illinois University and the University of Alabama. Richards scholarship focuses on the recruitment, education and ongoing socialization of physical education teachers. His focus on teacher socialization has extended to examine the socialization of physical education teacher education (PETE) graduate students and faculty members. He also coordinates and conducts research on physical activity programs that seek to promote social and emotional learning, primarily through the teaching personal and social responsibility (TPSR) model.

Sharon Stoll, Ph.D.

Professor, Director of the Center for ETHICS, Recreation, Sport, and Tourism Management

University of Idaho

Ethics, Leadership, Physical Education

Sharon K. Stoll serves as the Director of the Center for ETHICS*. She is considered one of the leading authorities in competitive moral education intervention techniques for college-aged students in America. Also a professor of Physical Education, Stoll is a Distinguished Faculty Member and winner of a prestigious University of Idaho Outreach Award in 2000, and a University of Idaho Teaching Award in 1992. A former public school teacher, coach, and athlete, Stoll holds a Ph.D. in Sport Philosophy from Kent State University, and is the creator and director of one of the few programs in America that is directed toward moral education with competitive populations. Stoll is well known for her knowledge in teaching and methodology as applied to pedagogy in moral education and character development. Many of Stoll's students have developed measurement evaluation tools and other curriculum designs that are impacting the knowledge of moral development in sport.

Author of eight books including, "Who Says It's Cheating?" and "Sport Ethics: Applications for Fair Play,” Stoll is an active lecturer and consultant on various character issues, including moral education, moral reasoning, and moral development. She is or has been a consultant for the United States Navy, United States Air Force, the Idaho Bar Association, the American Bar Association, plus various sports organizations, including the President's Commission of the NCAA, the National Youth Sport Coaches Association, the National Federation of High School Activities Association, and many more independent and private organizations. In 1993-4, she was in residence at the United States Military Academy at West Point, as a consultant for the Higher Education Program. Stoll has been featured on such national programs as “Nightline,” "ESPN Sports Center,” "ESPN Chat Line,” Fox Sports' "Goin' Deep,” as well as numerous regional and local news shows as well as documentaries, national newspapers, and magazines. In 2005, she was featured in over 50 major newspapers in U.S. and abroad describing the Center's latest project working with the Atlanta Braves. In 2007, she was named as a member of the 100 Most Influential Sport Educators in America with such individuals as Andre Agassi, William Bowen, Bob Costas, Tiger Woods, Pat Summitt, and Mike Krzyzewski.

The mother of two girls, Amanda and Rachal, Stoll lives on the Crooked M Ranch in the Mineral Mountain Range of Idaho.

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