Bioinformatics, Digital Mammography, Medical Informatics, Public Health
Dr. Melanie Sutton, professor, teaches bioinformatics, health information systems, medical informatics, medical terminology, and computer and geographic information systems applications in public health. Sutton applies her computer science training into the broader multi-disciplinary field of informatics by applying algorithms and tools from her object recognition research in new domains. She has written and co-written many peer-reviewed articles and book chapters on various aspects of computer vision, robotics, digital mammography, and online instruction and assessment. She was co-principal investigator of two projects funded by Florida's Great Northwest to develop a software engineering graduate program, and health sciences and technology training retreats for high school guidance counselors and academy directors. She was also principal investigator for a grant that developed and assessed protocols for the efficient utilization of large-scale digital mammography databases. During her tenure as co-director and academic advisor of the certificate in medical informatics program at UWF, she chaired a self-study committee that led to the accreditation of UWF's online master of public health program, just one three accredited online programs in the U.S. Before coming to UWF in 1996, she was a software engineer for Harris Corporation in the space systems division. She received a bachelor's degree in computer engineering, master's in computer science, and doctorate in computer science and engineering with a focus on computer vision and robotics, all from the University of South Florida.
Chief Executive Officer and Executive Editor, JMIR Publications
JMIR PublicationsDigital Health, Innovation Accelerator, Medical Informatics, medical informatics applications, Open Access Journal, Publisher, scholarly journals, Start-up company, Technology disruption
Gunther Eysenbach, MD MPH FACMI is founder, executive editor and CEO of JMIR Publications, a digital health and open science publisher, founded more than 20 years ago. Gunther is also recognized by many as one of the leading academics in the field of digital health and eHealth, is a known open access and open science pioneer, and is producer, editor and publisher of influential knowledge translation products. According to Ioannidis et al (Plos Biol 2019) he is the most cited academic in medical informatics of all times and globally. He is Adjunct Professor at the School of Health Information at the University of Victoria (Canada). He created a new scientific discipline in 2002 called "infodemiology", now recognized by WHO as a core area of practice when dealing with an "infodemic".
He is CEO at JMIR Publications, a leading digital open-science publisher with more than 100 employees, and Growth500 company, which he founded in 1999. He also cofounded TrendMD, a Knowledge Translation tool.
He is also an angel investor in Digital Science and Digital Health startups.
He headed the first research group on cybermedicine and eHealth worldwide at the University of Heidelberg between 1999 and 2001, where his main research interest was consumer health informatics, and came to Canada in March 2002 to help establishing the Centre for Global eHealth Innovation in Toronto. For 16 years he served as Associate Professor at the University of Toronto from 2002-2018, before he shifted his focus on building JMIR Publications to disrupt scholarly publishing.He is author of a textbook for computers in medicine (which he wrote at the age of 24), editor of a book on computers for physicians, publisher, founding editor-in-chief of the Journal of Medical Internet Research, the leading peer-reviewed digital health journal in the world. Dr. Eysenbach has authored more than 120 publications, including almost 40 book-chapters as well as several pioneer studies and comments on cybermedicine, e-health and Consumer health informatics, published in top journals such as JMIR, JAMA, BMJ, and the Lancet.
He has also founded, organized and chaired dozens of international workshops, seminars, and conferences, including the World Congress on Internet in Medicine in 1998 and 2006, and founded the Medicine 2.0 conference series.
In 2019, he was named the #1 most impactful scientist in medical informatics .