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Matthew Watson, PhD

Reader in Geophysical Natural Hazards

University of Bristol

lava, Volcanic Eruptions, Volcanoes

Matt Watson is based in the School of Earth Sciences, where his work revolved around volcanoes, particularly ash clouds. His extensive studies include the volcanoes in Central and Southern America, and he was part of the post-eruption taskforce for the Fuego volcano eruption in Guatemala in 2018. His research involves the use of satellite images and other remote sources including drones to predict the movement of volcanic eruptions and of ash clouds. Among the projects Dr Watson has been involved in are studies of the impact of ash clouds on jet engines, developing new instruments to detect the movement of ash in the wind and to inform piloting decisions, examining the change in terrain that results from a volcanic eruption, and exploring the contentious process of deliberately using volcanic eruptions to cool the climate. His expertise is being used in a TV series called 'The Greatest Shown on Earth', which explores ash clouds linked to the Fuego volcano eruption.

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