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Carole Basile, Ed.D.

Dean of Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College

Arizona State University (ASU)

Educational Leadership, Teacher Education, Teaching

Carole Basile is recognized for her work in math, science and environment education; teacher education and community engagement. 

As the dean of Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Basile's work focuses on redesigning the education workforce and changing practices in teacher and leadership preparation, working with education organizations nationally and internationally to design systems and enable organizational change.

Her extensive community work includes partnerships with urban school districts, nonprofit community and social services, and organizations focused on business, workforce and economic development. Basile has 15 years of business experience in the areas of sales, management, and corporate training and human capital development. She has also published numerous articles, books, chapters and technical papers.

Physical Education, Teacher Education

K. Andrew R. Richards is an associate professor of physical education and children’s physical activity. He studied physical education at Springfield College before completing his master’s and doctoral degrees at Purdue University. He remained at Purdue University for a post-doctoral research appointment in the Center for Instructional Excellence before faculty stints at Northern Illinois University and the University of Alabama. Richards scholarship focuses on the recruitment, education and ongoing socialization of physical education teachers. His focus on teacher socialization has extended to examine the socialization of physical education teacher education (PETE) graduate students and faculty members. He also coordinates and conducts research on physical activity programs that seek to promote social and emotional learning, primarily through the teaching personal and social responsibility (TPSR) model.

Education, educational equity, sociology and education, Teacher Education, urban education

Tyrone Howard, a professor of education in the School of Education and Information Studies (SEIS) at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), is the 2023-2024 President of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). 

In addition to being the Pritzker Family Endowed Chair at SEIS, Howard is the director of the UCLA Pritzker Center for Strengthening Children and Families and director of the UCLA Center for the Transformation of Schools. A former elementary and high school teacher, Howard translates research into practice in his professional learning work with thousands of P–12 educators across the United States and several other countries each year. His research focuses on the sociology of schools, teacher education, the education of Black boys, urban education, and educational equity.

Howard has published several books including Why Race and Culture Matter in Schools: Closing the Achievement Gap in America’s Classrooms and Expanding College Access for Urban Youth: What Schools and Colleges Can Do. He has authored over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles and other academic publications, included in publications such as Review of Research in Education, Journal of Teacher Education, Teachers College Record, and Journal of Higher Education. He has been featured or quoted by the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, CNN, Education Week, and more.

Howard was elected as an AERA Fellow in 2017 and is a member of the National Academy of Education. He served as an elected member of AERA Council from 2015 to 2018. Howard was section co-chair and equity and inclusion officer for AERA Division G—Social Context of Education, served on the AERA Nominating Committee, and currently chairs the AERA Fellows Committee. Division G presented him its Early Career Award in 2007 and Outstanding Mentoring Award in 2017. He has served on editorial boards for AERA’s peer-reviewed journals Review of Educational Research and American Educational Research Journal.

Upon becoming AERA president in 2023, Howard succeeded Rich Milner, Cornelius Vanderbilt Chair of Education at Vanderbilt University. Howard assumed the AERA presidency in April 2023, at the close of the association’s 2023 annual meeting.

Education, Social Sciences, Teacher Education

Cathy McKay teaches in the Physical and Health Education Teacher Education (PHETE) program in the department of kinesiology and is a faculty member in the JMU Graduate School. In addition, she is the executive director of the . Her teaching responsibilities include School Health Content, Instructional Strategies for Health Education, The Profession of Teaching, Diversity in the Schools and Research Methods for PHETE. McKay is passionate about relational leadership, equity and inclusion, and teacher education pedagogy.

McKay’s research focuses on social inclusion, changing attitudes and perspectives toward disability, and Parasport education and awareness. She enjoys research that is rooted in contact theory, and that applies contact theory in educational settings. She also conducts research related to teacher education, sexuality education and relationships in education.

McKay empowers undergraduate and graduate students to experience the joy of research. She is a research fellow with the Research Council of SHAPE America.

McKay earned a bachelor's in kinesiology from James Madison University, a master's in community health education from Virginia Tech and a doctorate in adapted physical education from the University of Virginia, with specialty areas in teacher education pedagogy and curriculum and instruction.

Jamie Huff Sisson, PhD

Deputy Director of the Centre for Research in Educational and Social Inclusion (CRESI) in Education Futures

University of South Australia

Cultural Studies, Early Childhood Education, Teacher Education

Dr Jamie Sisson is the Deputy Director of the Centre for Research in Educational and Social Inclusion (CRESI) in Education Futures at the University of South Australia. She has research expertise in the professional identity and agency of early childhood teachers, inclusive early childhood curriculum and pedagogy; and collaborative learning communities – investigating how children and adults come together with multiple perspectives to collaborate and co-construct knowledge. Dr Sisson’s recent research has explored how early childhood education in South Australia is re-imagined in terms of the rights extended to children within the early years, and on developing culturally responsive approaches to curriculum and pedagogy in diverse early childhood settings.

Since 2014, Dr Sisson has successfully attracted considerable external research funding. She was a Chief Investigator for the Children Learning to Live Together in Diverse Community project, funded by the Department of Education SA. She was also a Chief Investigator for the pilot project Reconceptualising Early Childhood Education in South Australia: Engaging Multiple Perspectives, funded by the Department for Education and Child Development and Catholic Education South Australia.

Dr Sisson received the highly coveted 2017 Early Career Researcher of the Year award from the Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences at UniSA in recognition of her lead roles on multiple research projects. She has previously received nominations for the Early Career Researcher Award and Dissertation of the year award from the American Education Research Association’s Early Education and Child Development Special Interest Group.

In 2017 Dr Sisson co-authored the book Pedagogical documentation: A South Australian perspective. She has published a number of high impact journal articles including Communing to Re-imagine Figured Worlds, published in Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood and Teaching culture through culture: A case study of culturally responsive pedagogies in an Australian early childhood/primary context, published in the Journal of Research in Childhood Education. Her research publications have contributed to a growing international presence with invited presentations in China and the United States. Dr Sisson has been invited to present on topics concerning children’s learning through play, educator action research, early childhood policy and practice in Australia, and culturally responsive pedagogies in the early years.

In addition to her significant research contributions, Dr Sisson has supervised several higher degree by research students and has also developed materials for and taught a range of courses in teacher education programs within the United States and Australia. She has over ten years of experience working in a variety of early childhood care and education contexts with children from birth to age ten. Dr Sisson has served on the South Australian Early Childhood Australia Executive Board (2012-2015) and was elected the Vice President of Cleveland branch of the Association for the Education of Young Children (2006-2007).


Doctor of Philosophy Kent State University

Masters of Educational Studies The University of Queensland

Bachelor of Science in Human and Consumer Sciences The Ohio University

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