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Matthew Rigby, PhD

Professor in Atmospheric Chemistry

University of Bristol

Air Quality, Atmospheric Chemistry, banned substances, Carbon Emissions, Climate Change, Greenhouse Gases, ozone depleting substances, ozone depletion

Professor Matt Rigby's work examines sources of greenhouse gas emissions, which involves assessing ongoing atmospheric measurements. He has explored emissions of banned ozone-depleting substances such as CFC-11, and the misreporting of emissions reductions such as for HFC-23, a by-product produced during the production of refrigerants. Professor Rigby is interested in the emissions processes, transport and chemistry of radiatively important trace gases, ozone-depleting substances and air pollutants. He was previously a Research Scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and is currently leading the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) project on the Detection and Attribution of Regional greenhouse gas Emissions in the UK (DARE-UK). He has also served as lead author of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion.

2002 - MSci Experimental and Theoretical Physics, Cambridge University, Clare College
2007 - PhD Atmospheric Physics, Imperial College London

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