
Alfred G.  Cuzán, Ph.D.

Alfred G. Cuzán, Ph.D.

University of West Florida

Distinguished University Professor

Expertise: American PoliticsAmerican PoliticsPolitical SciencePolitical Science

Dr. Alfred ​G. ​Cuzán, distinguished university professor of political science, teaches primarily American and ​comparative ​politics.   

Born in Havana, Cuba, Cuzán can trace his interest in political science to January 7, 1959: the day Fidel Castro triumphantly rode into Havana after ​Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista fled the country. Two years later, when Castro’s plans to establish a Soviet-style communist regime became evident, ​Cuzán and his family immigrated to Miami. 

During his 40-year ​academic career - all but four of those spent at UWF - ​Cuzán​ has been awarded numerous grants and fellowships: ​two Fulbright scholar​ grants (2015 and 1983)​, ​several ​National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow​ships​ (2004, 1996, 1992, 1989 and 1988), ​a ​Reuben Askew Fellowsh​ip and a Henry Salvatori Fellow​ship. He chaired the Department of Government at UWF from 1992 to 2012. He ​has published articles in American and Latin American politics. He has also co-authored several articles on the Pollyvote, a model for predicting the outcome of presidential elections, which received media attention. This work is available at www.pollyvote.com.

Cuzán’s ​2015 ​Fulbright schola​r grant enabled him to teach American and Latin American politics at the University of Tartu, Estonia, one of the oldest universities in northern Europe.

He received a bachelor’s degree in government and economics from the University of Miami, and a master’s and doctorate degrees in political science, with a minor in economics, from Indiana University.

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