
Christopher  Musco, PhD

Christopher Musco, PhD

NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Assistant Professor

Expertise: OptimizationOptimization

Christopher Musco is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science and Engineering department at NYU’s Tandon School of Engineering. Christopher’s research focuses on the algorithmic foundations of data science and machine learning. He studies methods for efficiently processing and understanding data, often working at the intersection of theoretical computer science, numerical linear algebra, and optimization.

Christopher received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and B.S. degrees in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from Yale University. 

Research Interests: Scalable machine learning, foundations of data science, numerical linear algebra, theory of algorithms, randomized algorithms, sketching and streaming


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Professor Christopher Musco receives NSF award for promising young researchers

Christopher Musco, an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, received a 2021 NSF Faculty Early Career Development Award, more widely known as a CAREER Award, which supports early-stage faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models.
22-Mar-2021 03:20:56 PM EDT

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