
David  DeGarmo, PhD

David DeGarmo, PhD

University of Oregon

Research Professor, Prevention Science

Expertise: Family and parentingFamily and parentingParentingParenting

Dave DeGarmo’s research focuses on family stress models and preventive interventions for families at-risk for compromised parenting with an emphasis on fathering processes. He is a former postdoctoral fellow of the NIMH Family Research Consortium of the National Institute on Mental Health and an affiliated scientist of the Oregon Social Learning Center. DeGarmo is part of a team of researchers that designed a program that used culturally informed outreach with well-located community testing sites to triple turnout for COVID-19 testing in Latinx communities around Oregon. The researchers are hopeful their findings can help shape future public health and other outreach campaigns to Latinx communities across the country.

DeGarmo is currently MPI of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) project ‘Investigating the impacts of COVID-19 school closures on long-term adjustment in youth with or at risk for disability (McIntyre, DeGarmo), MPI of the RADx-UP ‘Optimizing SARS-CoV-2 Testing and Promotores Interventions to Serve Latinx Communities’ 3P50DA048756-03S3 (Leve, Cresko, DeGarmo),  and PI of the UO Data Science Core for the P50 DA048756-01 (Leve, Fisher) centers of excellence Center on Parents and Opioids. 

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