
George   Siemens, PhD

George Siemens, PhD

University of South Australia

Professor and Director: Centre for Change and Complexity in Learning

Expertise: Information SystemsInformation Systems

Professor George Siemens researches networks, analytics, and human and artificial cognition in education. He has delivered keynote addresses in more than 35 countries on the influence of technology and media on education, organizations, and society. His work has been profiled in provincial, national, and international newspapers (including NY Times), radio, and television. He has served as PI or Co-PI on grants with funding from NSF, SSHRC (Canada), Intel, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Boeing, and the Soros Foundation. He has served as a collaborator on international grants in European Union, Singapore, Australia, Senegal, Ghana, and UK. He has received numerous awards, including honorary doctorates from Universidad de San Martín de Porres and Fraser Valley University for his pioneering work in learning, technology, and networks. He holds an honorary professorship with University of Edinburgh. Professor Siemens is a founding President of the Society for Learning Analytics Research. In 2008, he pioneered massive open online courses (sometimes referred to as MOOCs).

Doctor of Philosophy in Sustainability University of Aberdeen


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