
(she/her) studies the principles and techniques of quantitative genetics in applied plant breeding to accelerate genetic progress in ways that benefit people and the environment. Her work focuses on making winter wheat more profitable for farmers in the North Central Midwest, promoting cropping system diversity, and, ultimately, environmental sustainability.

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Rutkoski is a small grains breeder and quantitative geneticist with a passion for putting the principles and techniques of quantitative genetics and statistics to use in applied breeding in order to accelerate rates of genetic gain. In pursuit of this passion, Rutkoski aims to increase the profitability of winter wheat while improving the levels of quantitative disease resistance in small grains. Rutkoski is also working to develop and deploy new breeding methods that will accelerate rates of genetic gain for wheat and other self-pollinated crops. Prior to joining the University of Illinois, Rutkoski received her Bachelor of Science degree in Genetics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and went on to complete her Ph.D. at Cornell University under the direction of Small Grains Breeder Dr. Mark Sorrells. After receiving her Ph.D., she stayed at Cornell University as an assistant professor, where her mission was to innovate and transfer advanced breeding methods like genomic selection to wheat breeding programs globally. Rutkoski has also conducted research in collaboration with the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), headquartered in Mexico, where she worked as an Adjunct Associate Scientist in the Global Wheat Breeding Program. In 2016, she began working as a Scientist in the plant breeding division at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), located in the Philippines, where she improved rice breeding efficiency through more effective use of data and analytical techniques.


Dr. Rutkoski is an assistant professor in the  in the  (ACES) at the .


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