
Timothy I.  Musch, PhD

Timothy I. Musch, PhD

American Physiological Society (APS)

University Distinguished Professor - Director, Cardiorespiratory Exercise Lab - Kansas State University

Expertise: Cardiovascular

Dr. Tim Musch, Professor in Kinesiology, was named a University Distinguished Professor. He was also chosen for the 2018 Environmental and Exercise Physiology Honor Award from the American Physiologic Society. This award recognizes previous or current primary member of the EEP Section who has made significant research contributions to the scientific advancement of environmental, exercise, thermal, or applied physiology while making significant contributions to enhancing the objectives of the Section.

Research Interests:
Coronary heart disease
Chronic heart failure


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Physiologists Predict Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Winners

With the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine just a few days away, several members of the American Physiological Society’s (APS) elected Council are sharing their predictions for the researchers who might receive the honor.
30-Sep-2020 08:30:42 AM EDT

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