
Vitaly Brazhkin is an Assistant Professor with a Ph. D. in Supply Chain Management from the University of Arkansas. He teaches a variety of courses in logistics and other disciplines.

His research interests are in education, warehousing, and transportation. His peer-reviewed research has been published in Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Journal of Business Logistics, Transportation Journal, Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education and others.  He has presented his research at national and international conferences held by Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, Decision Sciences Institute and other organizations.

His current research focuses on the efficient use of lift trucks in warehouses and the effectiveness of assessment tools in experiential learning.

Brazhkin has extensive industry experience, particularly in international trade, transportation, and warehousing. Prior to working in academia, he held manager’s and director’s level positions with major U.S., French and German companies in the areas of sales management and supply chain management.

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