Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) is conducting research on the development of an AI technology that can evaluate and predict brain function degeneration and brain-related diseases such as mild cognitive impairment, dementia, etc., by analyzing the speech utterances of the elderly that can be obtained through their daily conversations.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a debilitating disease of the brain and spinal cord that impacts millions worldwide. In MS, the immune system mistakenly attacks the myelin sheath—a protective layer surrounding nerve cells in the nervous system. The loss of myelin, combined with ongoing inflammation, causes dysfunction and death of nerve cells, making the disability worse, such as difficulties with movement, coordination, and sensation. Treatments now focus on reducing attacks on myelin, but don’t address nerve-cell damage and death. But with $1 million from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS), a research team co-led by Paul Tesar, the Dr. Donald and Ruth Weber Goodman Professor of Innovative Therapeutics and director of the Institute for Glial Sciences, and Ben Clayton, assistant professor and founding member of the Institute for Glial Sciences, both in the Department of Genetics and Genome Sciences at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, will take a different
As células-tronco cultivadas em microgravidade a bordo da Estação Espacial Internacional (EEI) possuem qualidades únicas que poderão, um dia, ajudar a potencializar as novas bioterapias e a curar doenças complexas, de acordo com dois pesquisadores da Mayo Clinic. A análise da pesquisa pelo pesquisador Fay Abdul Ghani e pelo Dr. e Ph.D. Abba Zubair, publicada na NPJ Microgravity, descobriu que a microgravidade pode fortalecer o potencial regenerativo das células. O Dr. Zubair é especialista em medicina laboratorial e diretor médico do Centro de Bioterapias Regenerativas na Mayo Clinic, na Flórida. Abdul Ghani é um tecnólogo em pesquisa da Mayo Clinic. A microgravidade é a ausência de peso ou gravidade próxima a zero.
Las células madre cultivadas en microgravedad a bordo de la Estación Espacial Internacional (EEI) poseen cualidades únicas que algún día podrán ayudar a potenciar las nuevas bioterapias y curar enfermedades complejas, según dos investigadores de Mayo Clinic. El análisis de la investigación por el investigador Fay Abdul Ghani y por el Dr. y Ph.D. Abba Zubair, publicado en NPJ Microgravity ha hallado que la microgravidad puede fortalecer el potencial regenerativo de las células. El Dr. Zubair es especialista en medicina de laboratorio y director médico del Centro de Bioterapias Regenerativas en Mayo Clinic, Florida. Abdul Ghani es tecnólogo de investigación en Mayo Clinic. La microgravedad es la ausencia o gravedad cercana a cero.
More than 190 Countries at CBD COP16 adopted a Global Action Plan for Biodiversity and Health; took steps to align climate and biodiversity agendas; and ensured ecological integrity is included in their plans to protect nature.
A 15-year study of a site in Bolivia by an international team led by Case Western Reserve University provides a comprehensive view of an ancient ecosystem when the Earth was much warmer than today
Dr. Nathan Johnson, a systems engineering professor at Arizona State University and an expert in innovative energy solutions. He shares his vision for a sustainable energy future and outlines his team’s six-step approach to renewable energy projects.
جاكسونفيل، فلوريدا — يقول باحثان من مايو كلينك إن الخلايا الجذعية التي تنمو في ظروف انعدام الجاذبية على متن محطة الفضاء الدولية (ISS) تتميز بخصائص فريدة قد تساهم في تسريع تطوير علاجات بيولوجية جديدة وعلاج الأمراض المعقدة في المستقبل. التحليل البحثي الذي أجرته فاي عبد الغني والدكتور عبا زبير، الحاصل على درجة الدكتوراه في الطب، والذي نُشر في مجلة NPJ Microgravity، يكشف أن انعدام الجاذبية يمكن أن يعزز من القدرة التجديدية للخلايا. يعد الدكتور زبير خبيرًا في الطب المخبري والمدير الطبي لمركز العلاج الحيوي التجديدي في مايو كلينك بفلوريدا. أما عبد الغني فهي تقنيّة بحثية في مايو كلينك. يعرف انعدام الجاذبية بكونه حالة من انعدام الوزن أو الجاذبية القريبة من الصفر.
The Empa Innovation Award recognizes outstanding projects that bridge the gap between the laboratory and industry. This year, a team of researchers from Empa and ETH Zurich is being honored for an innovative sensor system: SensAL warns quickly and precisely of life-threatening complications after abdominal surgery.
Researchers including a Johns Hopkins University evolutionary biologist report they have analyzed a fossil of an extinct giant meat-eating bird — which they say could be the largest known member of its kind — providing new information about animal life in northern South America millions of years ago.
The Hydrogen Electric Research Team at the Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute (KERI) has developed the world's first integrated system capable of producing liquid hydrogen and evaluating the performance of safety valves in a single step.
Engineering professor Mingzhe Chen is working on several projects that could improve on our existing wireless networks. For this work, he was recently named as the Knight Foundation chair in data science and artificial intelligence.
A study co-led by a Johns Hopkins Children’s Center clinician-researcher shows that adding text messaging and other electronic feedback to traditional in-clinic health counseling for parents about feeding habits, playtime and exercise prevents very young children from developing obesity and potentially lifelong obesity-related problems.
A research team has successfully sequenced and assembled the genomes of all four Macadamia species, marking a significant advance in crop improvement efforts for this commercially valuable nut.
A research team showcases the application of deep learning models in identifying leaf diseases in key tropical crops such as coconut, mango, and durian, offering crucial insights for the future of precision agriculture.
A research team has unveiled findings that enhance the classification of coffee origin through vibrational spectroscopy, a green, cost-effective, and rapid analytical method.
A research team has unveiled the unique chemical, microstructural, rheological, and flavor-related properties of four commercially available microalgal species—Arthrospira, Isochrysis, Nannochloropsis, and Tetraselmis.