Leaders of the new Rutgers School of Medicine (RSOM) have released a new mission, vision and values statement that underscores an emphasis on advancing health equity.
Case Western Reserve University President Eric W. Kaler and Provost Joy K. Ward announced that David Gerdes, a renowned physics scholar and department chair from University of Michigan, will become dean of the College of Arts and Sciences on March 1. Gerdes, the Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Physics and a professor of astronomy, has served on the University of Michigan faculty since 1998 and as chair of the physics department since 2019.
A new study from the University of Georgia suggests that users value the unique virtual interactions with others offered by digital events in the metaverse.
Meals at Thanksgiving and other holidays serve as great social occasions for catching up with family and friends — and for the sake of all gathered, the culinary delights on the table should be delicious, sumptuous, and most importantly, safe. Melissa Wright, director of Virginia Tech’s Food Producer Technical Assistance Network, and Lester Schonberger, associate Extension specialist, are both faculty members in the Virginia Tech College of Agriculture and Life Sciences' Department of Food Science and Technology and know exactly what you can do to reduce your risk of foodborne illness this holiday season.
Nobody enjoys sitting in traffic, especially during the holidays. Hesham Rakha, director for the Center for Sustainable Mobility at the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, said if you are going to avoid traffic when traveling for Thanksgiving and Christmas, “you’re going to have to make some sacrifices.” “You have to choose temporal times where people don’t want to travel,” Rakha said.
The World Institute of Kimchi(WIKIM) has announced that the regular consumption of kimchi, a traditional Korean fermented food, is effective in reducing body fat and may serve as a promising dietary strategy to combat obesity.
A new method to increase fusion-fuel efficiency would involve aligning the quantum spin of deuterium and tritium and changing the mix of the two fuels. The approach could boost tritium-burn efficiency by up to 10 times, reducing tritium needs and lowering fusion system costs. The technique could lead to safer, more compact fusion systems, making fusion energy more practical and affordable.
أصبح رجل قادرًا على الرمش والبلع والابتسام والتنفس من خلال أنفه لأول مرة منذ عقد من الزمان، وذلك بفضل عملية زرع وجه أجريت في مايو كلينك. يسلط هذا الإجراء التحويلي والمعقد الضوء على مهارة الفريق الجراحي متعدد التخصصات في مايو كلينك، والذي يقدم الأمل للمرضى الذين يعانون من احتياجات طبية معقدة.
Um homem pode piscar, engolir, sorrir e respirar pelo nariz pela primeira vez em uma década, graças a um transplante facial realizado na Mayo Clinic. Esse procedimento complexo e transformador destaca a equipe cirúrgica multidisciplinar altamente capacitada da Mayo Clinic, que oferece esperança aos pacientes com necessidades médicas complexas.
Media and invited guests are welcome to tour a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) atmospheric observatory recently installed in Alabama’s Bankhead National Forest. Speak with scientists and federal and local officials, see a weather balloon launch, and get a tour of the state-of-the-art atmospheric instruments installed at the observatory.
Un hombre puede parpadear, tragar, sonreír y respirar por la nariz por primera vez en una década, gracias a un trasplante facial realizado en Mayo Clinic. Este procedimiento complejo y transformador destaca al equipo quirúrgico multidisciplinario altamente capacitado de Mayo Clinic, que ofrece esperanza a los pacientes con necesidades médicas complejas.
A Michigan man can blink, swallow, smile and breathe through his nose for the first time in a decade thanks to a face transplant performed at Mayo Clinic. This transformative and complex procedure underscores Mayo Clinic's skilled multidisciplinary surgical team who provide hope to patients with complex medical needs.
Digital Science announces that its flagship product Altmetric, which gauges the online attention of research, has added a new attention source: Clinical Guidelines.
Through the two-year program, students take classes online and travel to campus only twice per semester for comprehensive, hands-on clinical lab experience
The Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials (KIMM) has successfully developed an advanced automated mooring system aimed at enhancing the safety and efficiency of docking operations for autonomous vessels. Designed to overcome the limitations of conventional wire-based mooring methods, this innovative system is projected to be commercially available by 2025, significantly contributing to the progress of smart port technology.
Globus has been recognized in the 21st edition of the HPCwire Readers’ Choice Awards, presented at the 2024 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC24), in Atlanta, Georgia.