أصبح رجل قادرًا على الرمش والبلع والابتسام والتنفس من خلال أنفه لأول مرة منذ عقد من الزمان، وذلك بفضل عملية زرع وجه أجريت في مايو كلينك. يسلط هذا الإجراء التحويلي والمعقد الضوء على مهارة الفريق الجراحي متعدد التخصصات في مايو كلينك، والذي يقدم الأمل للمرضى الذين يعانون من احتياجات طبية معقدة.
Um homem pode piscar, engolir, sorrir e respirar pelo nariz pela primeira vez em uma década, graças a um transplante facial realizado na Mayo Clinic. Esse procedimento complexo e transformador destaca a equipe cirúrgica multidisciplinar altamente capacitada da Mayo Clinic, que oferece esperança aos pacientes com necessidades médicas complexas.
Un hombre puede parpadear, tragar, sonreír y respirar por la nariz por primera vez en una década, gracias a un trasplante facial realizado en Mayo Clinic. Este procedimiento complejo y transformador destaca al equipo quirúrgico multidisciplinario altamente capacitado de Mayo Clinic, que ofrece esperanza a los pacientes con necesidades médicas complejas.
A Michigan man can blink, swallow, smile and breathe through his nose for the first time in a decade thanks to a face transplant performed at Mayo Clinic. This transformative and complex procedure underscores Mayo Clinic's skilled multidisciplinary surgical team who provide hope to patients with complex medical needs.
Over 60 percent of Illinois parents had never asked another parent about an unlocked firearm in their home before allowing their child to visit for a playdate, according to a survey from Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago published in Pediatrics. Many parents reported they had not asked about firearms because it never occurred to them to do so, which highlights a critical need to raise awareness of this important safety concern.
Professor of Sociology Michael Rocque has been an expert source for the media on gun violence for years and has also regularly authored opinion pieces on the topic. In the wake of the mass shootings in Lewiston, one year ago, he wrote an opinion piece for The Boston Globe, calling for legislative action, as well as a column for The Daily Beast.
When it comes to what’s most important in deciding who to vote for in the 2024 presidential election, New Jersey registered voters – much like the rest of the nation – say it’s the economy, according to the latest Rutgers-Eagleton Poll. Voters cite the economy or fiscal issues as No. 1 (22%), followed by immigration (13%), candidate character (11%) and then reproductive rights (9%).
Local authorities around the nation are taking precautionary security measures to withstand potential violence and other nightmare scenarios on Election Day and following days. ...
The October 7, 2023 Hamas attacks on Israel resulted in widespread trauma, impacting not only the direct victims but also the broader population. Many experienced posttraumatic symptoms. This collective trauma blurred the lines between witnesses and victims, leading to a shared experience of pain and grief across Israeli society.
In the wake of these attacks, a notable phenomenon emerged: memorial tattoos reflecting personal narratives while also representing collective trauma experienced by the entire nation.
A new study by researchers at Bar-Ilan University uses Terror Management Theory (TMT, Solomon et al., 1991) to explore the rise of memorial tattoos in Israel following the attacks, offers insights into how individuals cope with trauma and find meaning through tattoos, using TMT as a theoretical framework, and ultimately contributing to the understanding of psychological resilience in the face of terror.
Rogers is a trauma surgeon, public health expert, founding director of the Trauma Center and Executive Vice President for Community Health Engagement at UChicago Medicine.
A new study from NYU Tandon School of Engineering suggests that when it comes to visualizations of mass shooting data, political ideology plays a more significant role in shaping emotional responses than racial identity. The research challenges assumptions about how people interpret data related to gun violence.
Drinking alcohol may predict experiencing physical, psychological, or sexual victimization during or shortly after alcohol use, according to a study published in Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research.
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A new report from the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions underscores the continuing epidemic of gun deaths in the U.S., including among children and especially among Black youth.
The University of Chicago Medicine announced Brenda Battle's retirement following a 12-year tenure highlighted by increased community investment, expanded access to care and strengthened community partnerships.