Convenience isn’t free, says Dr. Ray Klump, professor and chair of Computer and Mathematical Sciences at Lewis University. Online users are putting their personal data at risk when opting to choose easier, time-saving features on web pages.

Dr. Klump provides his :

  1. DO NOT save the data you’ve entered on a website so you don’t have to re-enter it when you visit later.
  2. DO NOT save the password you’ve entered for a website, just say no.
  3. Don’t use the same password for every site. Use a different password for every site.
  4. Limit your online shopping to a handful of sites.
  5. Never share any personal data, including your social security number, passwords, driver’s license number, health records, or anything else you wouldn’t share through non-computer channels in an email or instant message or social media post.

Sunday, January 28 is Data Privacy Day, sponsored by the National Cyber Security Alliance.

Visit for more information about Dr. Ray Klump.

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