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Friday, March 20, 2015

Expert Pitch 101: Let’s Make It Easy

As experts in pitching, you understand the value of your institution’s experts. How can you do this in the most effective way, given the many other issues you need to fix and handle on a daily basis?  Expert Pitch is easy to use, and effective when considering three points: choose the expert fast, connect him or her to a breaking news event effectively, and provide reporters with the basic necessities.
First, hone in on the expert you intend to promote based on his or her ability to contribute to the conversation in the media around: 1) a breaking news event or newly released research that may need outside commentary from an expert other than the lead researcher; 2) upcoming awareness events; or 3) your estimation of upcoming big stories.  You can simplify this process by having a list of experts that are media trained, willing, and have topics they can discuss.

Second, do this quickly.  Being the first one available can increase your likelihood of being used as a source.
Third, include the following information. If one of these items is not included or is sub-par, it can greatly (affect?  hinder?) your success:
1) Headline including expert’s position statement relating to the breaking story
2) Contact information for further media outreach
3) Videos of the expert to show his or her media presence
4) Direct quotes from the expert for immediate media pickup
5) Expert’s availability

Posted by Lisa Freyer on 03/20/15 at 03:38 PM


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