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Animal Agriculture, Cloning, Developmental Biology, Food Security, Genomics, Human Health, regenerative biology, Stem Cells

is a tireless advocate for using embryo technologies to improve genetics of livestock and reduce food insecurity throughout the world. He is advancing technology in both livestock production and human medicine through his research on embryo/developmental biology, stem cells, cloning, transgenic livestock, reproduction, genomics, and regenerative biology.

More information: Wheeler's research activities can be divided into six areas of research. Generally, the work can be described as large animal reproductive physiology with an emphasis on 1) production of transgenic livestock, particularly swine and cattle, with improved production characteristics; 2) molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in embryonic cell development/differentiation and early embryonic gene expression; 3) genetic evaluation, molecular gene mapping in livestock, early embryonic genotype evaluation; 4) development of remote sensing and microfludic handling methods for mammalian embryos; 5) the use of stem cells (adult and embryonic) for tissue engineering and cell-base therapies; and 6) the use assisted reproductive technologies (in vitro maturation, in vitro fertilization, embryo culture, non-invasive embryo evaluation and embryo transfer) to improve livestock and food production. His team's long term goals are to 1) identify genes that regulate reproduction, lactation and growth; 2) develop methodologies in embryos to edit, transfer and utilize these genes for the genetic improvement of livestock; and 3) devise strategies for using stem cells for cell and tissue replacement.

Affiliations: Wheeler is a professor in the in the (ACES) at the . He is also affiliated with the  and the at Illinois.


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