
Sam is a popular music scholar, a Lecturer in Creative Industries at UniSA Creative, and a member of the leadership team for the . His work is primarily focused on the issues of capital labour and the value as they relate to the create industries and cultural economy.

Previous peer-reviewed publications of Dr Whiting's have explored issues of access, identity, heritage, cultural policy, and music scenes through the interdisciplinary lens of cultural studies, sociology, and popular music studies. Dr Whiting has research strengths in: live music ecosystems and their policy environments; the political economy of the music industries; cultural policy; basic income for artists; the effects of artificial intelligence on cultural labour; the sociology of music; and small venues.

His recent teaching focusses on cultural economics, the creative industries, and creative spaces and places. His previous research has included work with the SA Music Development Office, City of Adelaide, National Live Music Office, City of Melbourne, Monash University, RMIT University, and the University of Tasmania. My recent book, Small Venues: Precarity, Vibrancy and Live Music, is out now through Bloomsbury.


  • Doctor of Philosophy The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
  • Bachelor of Music Studies with Honours Griffith University
  • Bachelor of Music Studies Griffith University

Awards and Scholarships

  • IASPM-ANZ Publication Prize (2022), Rebecca Coyle Prize for research based in ANZ
  • Australian Postgraduate Award (2014), 3.5-year research stipend
  • Griffith Award for Academic Excellence (2010), QCGU
  • Griffith Award for Academic Excellence (2009), QCGU


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