
Dr. Scott Keller received his Ph.D. from the University of Arkansas and has been on the logistics faculty at Pennsylvania State University and Michigan State University.

Dr. Keller has been instrumental in helping to design and launch UWF’s standalone BSBA in Supply Chain Logistics Management and the MBA Supply Chain Strategy emphasis. His student logistics teams consistently place among the top universities in national competitions.

Dr. Keller’s research interests include managerial leadership, personnel performance and the development of a customer-oriented culture within logistics operations. Along with his brother, he co-authored the book, The Definitive Guide to Warehousing. He has been ranked among the top percentage of all time published researchers in the leading logistics journals.

He is Associate Editor for the Journal of Business Logistics, and former Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Logistics Management.

His managerial experience is in motor carrier operations, large scale public and contract warehousing in Memphis, and ocean freight marine terminal operations in Long Beach, California.

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