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賷爻禺賾乇 丕賱亘丕丨孬賵賳 賯賵丞 丕賱丿賲丕睾 丕賱賰丕賲賳丞 賵乇丕亍 丕賱賰賱丕賲 賱賱賲爻丕毓丿丞 賮賷 丕賰鬲卮丕賮 丕賱兀賲乇丕囟 丕賱毓氐亘賷丞 丕賱鬲賳賰爻賷丞

賷爻鬲賴賱賰 丕賱賰賱丕賲 賯丿乇賸丕 賰亘賷乇賸丕 賲賳 胤丕賯丞 丕賱丿賲丕睾. 亘丕丿卅 匕賷 亘丿亍貙 毓賳丿賲丕 鬲賵噩丿 禺丕胤乇丞 兀賵 賮賰乇丞 賷噩亘 毓賱賶 丕賱丿賲丕睾 兀賳 賷鬲乇噩賲賴丕 廿賱賶 賰賱賲丕鬲. 孬賲 鬲購鬲乇噩賲 鬲賱賰...
14-Jan-2025 8:15 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Pesquisadores utilizam o poder do c茅rebro por tr谩s da fala para ajudar a detectar doen莽as neurodegenerativas

H谩 muita atividade cerebral envolvida na fala. Primeiro, h谩 um pensamento ou ideia que o c茅rebro deve traduzir em palavras. Posteriormente, essas palavras s茫o transformadas em movimentos espec铆ficos dos pulm玫es, da l铆ngua e da boca para...
14-Jan-2025 8:15 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Investigadores utilizan el poder del cerebro detr谩s del habla para ayudar a detectar enfermedades neurodegenerativas

Hay mucha actividad cerebral involucrada en el habla. Primero, hay un pensamiento o idea que el cerebro debe traducir en palabras. Posteriormente, estas palabras se transforman en movimientos espec铆ficos de los pulmones, la lengua y la boca para...
14-Jan-2025 8:05 PM EST Add to Favorites

Mayo Clinic Accelerates Personalized Medicine Through Foundation Models with Microsoft Research and Cerebras Systems

Mayo Clinic today unveiled separate groundbreaking collaborations with Microsoft Research and with Cerebras Systems in the field of generative artificial intelligence (AI), designed to personalize patient care, significantly accelerate diagnostic...
14-Jan-2025 7:10 PM EST Add to Favorites

丕賱亘丕丨孬賵賳 賷賳賴賵賳 丨丕賱丞 丕賱睾賲賵囟 亘卮兀賳 丕禺鬲亘丕乇 BRCA2貙 賲丕 賷丨爻賾賳 鬲賯賷賷賲 賲禺丕胤乇 丕賱爻乇胤丕賳 賵丕賱毓賳丕賷丞 亘丕賱賲乇囟賶

爻丕賴賲鬲 賳鬲丕卅噩 噩丿賷丿丞 賱丿乇丕爻丞 丿賵賱賷丞 賯丕丿賴丕 亘丕丨孬賵賳 賲賳 賲乇賰夭 賲丕賷賵 賰賱賷賳賰 丕賱卮丕賲賱 賱賱爻乇胤丕賳 賮賷 鬲胤賵賷乇 賮賴賲 丕賱鬲丨賵賱丕鬲 丕賱噩賷賳賷丞 賮賷 噩賷賳 BRCA2 賵賴賵 賲丐孬乇 乇卅賷爻賷 賮賷...
14-Jan-2025 5:00 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Mayo Clinic Launches Mayo Clinic Digital Pathology to Modernize Pathology, Speed Medical Breakthroughs

Against the backdrop of the 43rd Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference, Mayo Clinic announced the formation of Mayo Clinic Digital Pathology, designed on a platform architecture to boldly unlock the power of its extensive archive of digital...
13-Jan-2025 7:05 AM EST Add to Favorites

Mayo Clinic Laboratories and Lucence Announce Strategic Collaboration to Enhance Cancer Testing Services

Mayo Clinic Laboratories, a global leader in advanced laboratory testing, and Lucence, a pioneering molecular diagnostics company, announced a strategic collaboration today to expand international access to cutting-edge cancer testing services. This...
10-Jan-2025 7:10 PM EST Add to Favorites

Pesquisadores resolvem a incerteza no teste BRCA2, aprimorando a avalia莽茫o de risco de c芒ncer e o cuidado com o paciente

As novas descobertas de um estudo internacional liderado por pesquisadores do Centro Oncol贸gico Integral da Mayo Clinic t锚m avan莽ado significativamente a compreens茫o sobre as altera莽玫es gen茅ticas no gene BRCA2, uma pe莽a chave no risco de...
9-Jan-2025 10:20 PM EST Add to Favorites

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Our Experts on News

Mayo Clinic Experts Highlight Advances in Breast Cancer Research: Decreasing the Need for Chemotherapy and Reducing the Intensity of Radiation Therapy

Lifesaving cancer therapies can cause serious side effects, both immediately and later in life. "It is essential to continue to study innovative approaches that will eradicate the disease but won't diminish the quality of life for patients diagnosed...
30-Oct-2024 2:35 PM EDT

La tecnolog铆a smart knee permite al equipo de atenci贸n m茅dica monitorear de forma remota la recuperaci贸n de los pacientes

Durante m谩s de 15 a帽os, Ronald Gary Woods terminaba la mayor铆a de sus d铆as con dolor en las rodillas.
15-Aug-2024 6:00 AM EDT

Type 2 diabetes no longer a barrier to becoming a living kidney donor

People who are overall healthy and living with well-controlled Type 2 diabetes can donate a kidney, thanks to a change in national policy.
29-Feb-2024 11:05 AM EST

Dengue: Experta de Mayo Clinic explica la infecci贸n transmitida por mosquitos

Aproximadamente la mitad de la poblaci贸n mundial vive en zonas vulnerables a dengue, una infecci贸n viral potencialmente mortal transmitida a trav茅s de las picaduras de mosquitos infectados. No hay tratamiento, y solo las personas que ya han...
27-Feb-2024 12:05 PM EST

丕乇鬲亘丕胤 賳賲胤 丕賱丨賷丕丞 亘氐丨丞 丕賱賯賱亘 賷鬲噩丕賵夭 丕賱胤毓丕賲 賵賲賲丕乇爻丞 丕賱乇賷丕囟丞貙 賵賮賯賸丕 賱禺亘賷乇丞 丕賱乇毓丕賷丞 丕賱氐丨賷丞 賮賷 賲丕賷賵 賰賱賷賳賰 賴賷賱孬賰賷乇

賲丕 賴賷 丕賱禺胤賵丕鬲 丕賱鬲賷 賷賲賰賳賰 丕鬲禺丕匕賴丕 亘禺賱丕賮 丕鬲亘丕毓 賳馗丕賲 睾匕丕卅賷 氐丨賷 賵賲賲丕乇爻丞 丕賱乇賷丕囟丞 亘賴丿賮 鬲丨爻賷賳 氐丨丞 賯賱亘賰責 賮賷 賴匕丕 丕賱鬲賳亘亘賴貙 鬲噩賷亘 噩賵卮賷丕 賵丕賲賱貙...
6-Feb-2024 3:05 PM EST

鬲丨匕賷乇 禺亘乇丕亍: 3 毓賱丕賲丕鬲 賯丿 賷馗賴乇賴丕 胤賮賱賰 丕賱賲乇賷囟 賷噩亘 毓賳丿 賲賱丕丨馗鬲賴丕 賲乇丕噩毓丞 丕禺鬲氐丕氐賷 丕賱乇毓丕賷丞 丕賱氐丨賷丞

賲丿賷賳丞 乇賵鬲卮爻鬲乇貙 賵賱丕賷丞 賲賷賳賷爻賵鬲丕 鈥 亘賷賳賲丕 賷賲賰賳 毓賱丕噩 賲毓馗賲 賳夭賱丕鬲 丕賱亘乇丿 兀賵 丕賱兀賳賮賱賵賳夭丕 兀賵 睾賷乇賴丕 賲賳 丕賱毓賽賱賱 丕賱卮丕卅毓丞 賮賷 丕賱賲賳夭賱貙 鬲賯賵賱 丕賱丿賰鬲賵乇丞...
18-Jan-2024 3:05 PM EST

賰賷賮 鬲毓賲賱 賲賯丿賲丕鬲 丕賱丕乇鬲毓丕噩 毓賱賶 鬲爻乇賷毓 丕賱鬲賯丿賲 賮賷 丕賱毓賲乇

賲賯丿賾賲丕鬲 丕賱丕乇鬲毓丕噩貙 丕乇鬲賮丕毓 囟睾胤 丕賱丿賲 丕賱匕賷 賷賴丿丿 丕賱丨賷丕丞 賴賵 丨丕賱丞 睾丕賲囟丞. 賵鬲鬲爻亘亘 賴匕賴 丕賱丨丕賱丞 賰賱 毓丕賲 賮賷 賵賮丕丞 兀賰孬乇 賲賳 70000 丕賲乇兀丞 賮賷 噩賲賷毓 兀賳丨丕亍 丕賱毓丕賱賲....
23-Aug-2023 2:05 PM EDT

鬲賳亘賷賴 賲賳 禺亘賷乇: 禺賷丕乇丕鬲 毓賱丕噩 丕賱噩賳賮

丕賱噩賳賮 賴賵 丕賳丨賳丕亍 丕賱毓賲賵丿 丕賱賮賯乇賷 賲賳 噩賴丞 廿賱賶 噩賴丞貙 賵丕賱匕賷 賯丿 賷氐賷亘 胤賮賱 賵丕丨丿 賲賳 賰賱 300 胤賮賱. 賷賲賰賳 兀賳 賷夭丿丕丿 丨噩賲 丕賱廿賳丨賳丕亍丕鬲 兀孬賳丕亍 賳賲賵 丕賱兀胤賮丕賱貙 禺丕氐丞賸...
16-Aug-2023 11:05 AM EDT

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Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit organization committed to innovation in clinical practice, education and research, and providing compassion, expertise and answers to everyone who needs healing. Visit the Mayo Clinic 麻豆传媒 Network for additional Mayo Clinic news.




